$type $type : string Type string — the input type. Following types are supported: checkbox, checkboxlist, dropdownlist, filefield, password, radiobutton, radiobuttonlist, textarea, textfield, captcha and uneditable.
$enableAjaxValidation $enableAjaxValidation : boolean This property allows you to disable AJAX valiadtion for certain fields within a form. Type boolean — the value to be set as fourth parameter to {@link CActiveForm::error}.
$enableClientValidation $enableClientValidation : boolean This property allows you to disable client valiadtion for certain fields within a form. Type boolean — the value to be set as fifth parameter to {@link CActiveForm::error}.
init() init() ### .init() Initializes the widget. Throws \CException if the widget could not be initialized.
getLabel() getLabel() : string Returns the label for this block. Returns the label for the input. Returns string — the label
getPrepend() getPrepend() : string ### .getPrepend() Returns the prepend element for the input. Returns string — the element
getAppend() getAppend() : string ### .getAppend() Returns the append element for the input. Returns string — the element
getAttributeId() getAttributeId(string $attribute) : string ### .getAppend() Returns the id that should be used for the specified attribute Parameters string $attribute the attribute Returns string — the id
getError() getError() : string ### .getError() Returns the error text for the input. Returns string — the error text
getHint() getHint() : string ### .getHint() Returns the hint text for the input. Returns string — the hint text
getContainerCssClass() getContainerCssClass() : string ### .getContainerCssClass() Returns the container CSS class for the input. Returns string — the CSS class
getAddonCssClass() getAddonCssClass() : string ### .getAddonCssClass() Returns the input container CSS classes. Returns string — the CSS class
hasAddOn() hasAddOn() : boolean ### .hasAddOn() Returns whether the input has an add-on (prepend and/or append). Returns boolean — the result
checkBox() checkBox() : string Renders a checkbox. Renders a checkbox. Returns string — the rendered content
toggleButton() toggleButton() : string Renders a toogle button Renders a toggle button. Returns string — the rendered content
checkBoxList() checkBoxList() : string Renders a list of checkboxes. Renders a list of checkboxes. Returns string — the rendered content
checkBoxListInline() checkBoxListInline() : string Renders a list of inline checkboxes. Renders a list of inline checkboxes. Returns string — the rendered content
checkBoxGroupsList() checkBoxGroupsList() : string Renders a list of checkboxes using Button Groups. Renders a list of checkboxes using Button Groups. Returns string — the rendered content
dropDownList() dropDownList() : string Renders a drop down list (select). Renders a drop down list (select). Returns string — the rendered content
fileField() fileField() : string Renders a file field. Renders a file field. Returns string — the rendered content
passwordField() passwordField() : string Renders a password field. Renders a password field. Returns string — the rendered content
passfieldField() passfieldField() : string Renders a Pass*Field field. Renders a Pass*Field field. Returns string — the rendered content
radioButton() radioButton() : string Renders a radio button. Renders a radio button. Returns string — the rendered content
radioButtonList() radioButtonList() : string Renders a list of radio buttons. Renders a list of radio buttons. Returns string — the rendered content
radioButtonListInline() radioButtonListInline() : string Renders a list of inline radio buttons. Renders a list of inline radio buttons. Returns string — the rendered content
radioButtonGroupsList() radioButtonGroupsList() : string Renders a list of radio buttons using Button Groups. Renders a list of radio buttons using Button Groups. Returns string — the rendered content
textArea() textArea() : string Renders a textarea. Renders a textarea. Returns string — the rendered content
textField() textField() : string Renders a text field. Renders a text field. Returns string — the rendered content
maskedTextField() maskedTextField() : string Renders a masked text field. Renders a masked text field. Returns string — the rendered content
captcha() captcha() : string Renders a CAPTCHA. Renders a CAPTCHA. Returns string — the rendered content
uneditableField() uneditableField() : string Renders an uneditable field. Renders an uneditable field. Returns string — the rendered content
datepickerField() datepickerField() : string Renders a datepicker field. Renders a datepicker field. Returns string — the rendered content
datetimepickerField() datetimepickerField() : string Renders a datetimepicker field. Renders a datetimepicker field. Returns string — the rendered content
redactorJs() redactorJs() : string Renders a redactor. Renders a redactorJS wysiwyg field. Returns string — the rendered content
markdownEditorJs() markdownEditorJs() : string Renders a Markdown Editor. Renders a markdownEditorJS wysiwyg field. Returns string — the rendered content
ckEditor() ckEditor() : string Renders a ckEditor. Renders a bootstrap CKEditor wysiwyg editor. Returns string — the rendered content
html5Editor() html5Editor() : mixed|void Renders Bootstrap wysihtml5 editor. Renders a bootstrap wysihtml5 editor. Returns mixed|void
dateRangeField() dateRangeField() : string Renders a daterange field. Renders a daterange picker field Returns string — the rendered content
colorpickerField() colorpickerField() : string Renders a colorpicker field. Renders a colorpicker field. Returns string — the rendered content
timepickerField() timepickerField() : string Renders a timepicker field. Renders a timepicker field. Returns string — the rendered content
select2Field() select2Field() : mixed|void Renders a select2Field Renders a select2 field. Returns mixed|void
typeAheadField() typeAheadField() : string Renders a typeAhead field. Returns string — the rendered content
numberField() numberField() : string Renders a number field. Renders a number field. Returns string — the rendered content
customField() customField() : string Renders a pre-rendered custom field. Renders a pre-rendered custom field. Returns string — the rendered content
getSeparatedSelectableInput() getSeparatedSelectableInput() : array Obtain separately hidden and visible field Throws \CException Returns array