The most powerful Yii Grid
Have you ever thought to display a more elaborated summary of the data displayed on your grid? Or wanted to have a fixed header as you go down on thousand records? What about if you wish to display a chart of the data but not willing to leave the grid? And also, you wish to maintain that awesomeness even throughout AJAX calls? And what about if we tell you that we have done that?
With TbExtendedGridView you will be able to solve all those issues, plus we have also included some other columns that will help make the grid even more powerful:
New by setting the responsiveTable
property to true
(this is
for all extended versions of TbGridView), tables will be automatically converted to suit mobile size. Try it by resizing the
browser window and check this first example.
Thanks to the great jquery plugin StickyTableHeaders
we have managed to get this feature
and make it as easy as to setup a simple boolean fixedHeader
property to true
Note It is important for the sake of the following examples that you reduce the height of your browser to see the effect.
- $this->widget(
- 'booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView',
- array(
- 'fixedHeader' => true,
- 'headerOffset' => 40,
- // 40px is the height of the main navigation at bootstrap
- 'type' => 'striped',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'responsiveTable' => true,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- )
- );
- $this->widget(
- 'booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView',
- array(
- 'filter' => $person,
- 'fixedHeader' => true,
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'headerOffset' => 40,
- // 40px is the height of the main navigation at bootstrap
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- )
- );
Sometimes, we may need to display a set of records that are ordered by a `position` on the database, and that order is important on the list. Most of the times, they are just a small amount of records that have a preference in a first-in first-out scenario. The extended grid view provides a mechanism to order the rows and report back through a javascript callback the new position of the data, so you could easily make an AJAX request to the server and update the list.
Note: It also will update the keys position, so you can safely use regular $.fn.yiiGridView functions.
# | First name | Last name | Language | Hours worked |
1 | Mark | Otto | CSS | 10 |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | JavaScript | 20 |
3 | Stu | Dent | HTML | 15 |
4 | Sunny | Man | HTML | 15 |
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'sortableRows'=>true,
- 'afterSortableUpdate' => 'js:function(id, position){ console.log("id: "+id+", position:"+position);}',
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- ));
The TbExtendedGridView
allows you also to provide a selectable mechanism to its cells. This is very useful when you wish
to display some feedback information related to the selected cells.
The following example demonstrates the above. Select the cells of the Hours worked column to see its total on the span tag with id: 'hours'.
# | First name | Last name | Language | Hours worked |
1 | Mark | Otto | CSS | 10 |
2 | Jacob | Thornton | JavaScript | 20 |
3 | Stu | Dent | HTML | 15 |
4 | Sunny | Man | HTML | 15 |
- <span class="label label-info">Sum Of Selected Hours</span>: <span id="hours">0</span>
- <?php
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'selectableCells'=>true,
- 'selectableCellsFilter'=>'td.tobeselected',
- 'afterSelectableCells' => 'js:function(selected){
- var sum = 0;
- $.each(selected, function(){
- sum += parseInt($(this).text());
- });
- $("#hours").html(sum);
- }',
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array_slice($gridColumns, 0, count($gridColumns)-1),
- ));
- ?>
The extended grid allows you to display bulk action buttons on its footer. The configuration options of the buttons are the same as regular TbButton widgets, the only difference is that you can set its 'click' handler, which will be triggered having the selected checkbox elements as a parameter to the function.
Note: The buttons won't be functional (active) until at least one checkbox element is
on its checked
Note: The the bulk action is working only on the current visible checked items, and does not maintain state between pages, or after sort/filtering
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'selectableRows' => 2,
- 'bulkActions' => array(
- 'actionButtons' => array(
- array(
- 'buttonType' => 'button',
- 'context' => 'primary',
- 'size' => 'small',
- 'label' => 'Testing Primary Bulk Actions',
- 'click' => 'js:function(values){console.log(values);}'
- )
- ),
- // if grid doesn't have a checkbox column type, it will attach
- // one and this configuration will be part of it
- 'checkBoxColumnConfig' => array(
- 'name' => 'id'
- ),
- ),
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- ));
There are so many times that a client wishes to see a summary of the records displayed on your grid. When that occurs, we found ourselves, poor programmers building a sub-grid that will display the summary and forcing us to loop through the data provider once more, slowing down our app.
We have included an extended summary version into this great grid component in order to save us time and headaches. The grid makes use of the following components for different displays:
Name | Description |
TbSumOperation | Will display the sum of an specific column |
TbCountOfTypeOperation | Displays the number of times a type of value appears in the specified column cell (ie. total of zeros, total of ones). |
TbPercentOfTypeOperation | Displays the percent number of times a type of value appears in the specified column cell (ie. percent of zeros, percent of ones) |
TbPercentOfTypeEasyPieOperation | Displays the percent number of times a type of value appears in the specified column cell on pie charts. The handling of its display is taken care by the nice jquery plugin easy-pie-chart. |
TbPercentOfTypeGooglePieOperation |
Well, you guessed right. It is the same operation as TbPercentOfTypeEasyPieOperation but with
the difference that this pie is more powerful as it can render
a single pie to display the summary results.
Important! when using charts you may need to check browser compatibility. As you know, most of these plugins do use canvas for their rendering. |
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}\n{extendedSummary}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'extendedSummary' => array(
- 'title' => 'Total Employee Hours',
- 'columns' => array(
- 'hours' => array('label'=>'Total Hours', 'class'=>'TbSumOperation')
- )
- ),
- 'extendedSummaryOptions' => array(
- 'class' => 'well pull-right',
- 'style' => 'width:300px'
- ),
- ));
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}\n{extendedSummary}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'extendedSummary' => array(
- 'title' => 'Expertise',
- 'columns' => array(
- 'language' => array(
- 'label'=>'Total Expertise',
- 'types' => array(
- 'CSS'=>array('label'=>'Css'),
- 'JavaScript'=>array('label'=>'Js'),
- 'HTML'=>array('label'=>'html')
- ),
- 'class'=>'TbCountOfTypeOperation'
- )
- )
- ),
- 'extendedSummaryOptions' => array(
- 'class' => 'well pull-right',
- 'style' => 'width:300px'
- ),
- ));
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}\n{extendedSummary}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'extendedSummary' => array(
- 'title' => 'Expertise',
- 'columns' => array(
- 'language' => array(
- 'label'=>'Total Expertise',
- 'types' => array(
- 'CSS'=>array('label'=>'Css'),
- 'JavaScript'=>array('label'=>'Js'),
- 'HTML'=>array('label'=>'html')
- ),
- 'class'=>'TbPercentOfTypeOperation'
- )
- )
- ),
- 'extendedSummaryOptions' => array(
- 'class' => 'well pull-right',
- 'style' => 'width:400px'
- ),
- ));
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}\n{extendedSummary}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'extendedSummary' => array(
- 'title' => 'Expertise',
- 'columns' => array(
- 'language' => array(
- 'label'=>'Total Expertise',
- 'types' => array(
- 'CSS'=>array('label'=>'Css'),
- 'JavaScript'=>array('label'=>'Js'),
- 'HTML'=>array('label'=>'html')
- ),
- 'class'=>'TbPercentOfTypeEasyPieOperation',
- // you can also configure how the chart looks like
- 'chartOptions' => array(
- 'barColor' => '#333',
- 'trackColor' => '#999',
- 'lineWidth' => 8 ,
- 'lineCap' => 'square'
- )
- )
- )
- ),
- 'extendedSummaryOptions' => array(
- 'class' => 'well pull-right',
- 'style' => 'width:350px'
- ),
- ))
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}\n{extendedSummary}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'extendedSummary' => array(
- 'title' => 'Expertise',
- 'columns' => array(
- 'language' => array(
- 'label'=>'Total Expertise',
- 'types' => array(
- 'CSS'=>array('label'=>'Css'),
- 'JavaScript'=>array('label'=>'Js'),
- 'HTML'=>array('label'=>'html')
- ),
- 'class'=>'TbPercentOfTypeGooglePieOperation',
- )
- )
- ),
- 'extendedSummaryOptions' => array(
- 'class' => 'well pull-right',
- 'style' => 'width:300px'
- ),
- ))
There will be times, where you wish to see a bit more details on a graphic than just those values on a pie chart. TbExtendedGridView aims to provide an easy to configure chart display, where the data is automatically extracted from its dataProvider.
The way it works, is that you set a couple of configuration options of the chartOptions
and thats it. The grid will automatically display a chart by making use of the great
Higcharts JS library. We highly recommend you to get
familiar with this library if you are going to make use of this feature.
The chartOptions
property is a configurable chart array with three elements:
, which is a flag used to set the chart as the default view of the widgetdata
, which will contain the series
attribute of Highcharts JS
, will hold the rest of the
chart configuration optionshtmlOptions
, the HTML tag attributes of the chart
and data-config
of the container will be overrided,
as they are required for the correct functionality of the chart.
Important: Highcharts JS is not open source for commercial products. We have include this chart library as we thought is one of the best around. We will update the library to support more charts in future releases.
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}\n{extendedSummary}",
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'chartOptions' => array(
- 'defaultView' => true,
- 'data' => array(
- 'series' => array(
- array(
- 'name' => 'Hours worked',
- 'attribute' => 'hours'
- )
- ),
- 'xAxis' => array(
- 'categories' => 'firstName',
- ),
- ),
- 'config' => array(
- 'chart' => array(
- // 'width' => '800' // default reflow
- )
- ),
- ),
- ));
We have worked a bit and modified slightly the great work of Vitaliy Potapov, BootGroupView, to provide our library with a grid that features row and cell merging and/or grouping.
Merge in two columns
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbGroupGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'extraRowColumns'=> array('firstLetter'),
- 'extraRowExpression' => '"<b style=\"font-size: 3em; color: #333;\">".substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)."</b>"',
- 'extraRowHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'padding:10px'),
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'mergeColumns' => array('language')
- ));
Extra Row
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbGroupGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'extraRowColumns'=> array('firstLetter'),
- 'extraRowExpression' => '"<b style=\"font-size: 3em; color: #333;\">".substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)."</b>"',
- 'extraRowHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'padding:10px'),
- 'columns' => $gridColumns,
- 'mergeColumns' => array('language', 'hours')
- ));
- $('#grid-id').yiiGroupGridView('getSelection');
Extra Row + Merge
- $groupGridColumns = $gridColumns;
- $groupGridColumns[] = array(
- 'name' => 'firstLetter',
- 'value' => 'substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)',
- 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'display:none'),
- 'htmlOptions' =>array('style'=>'display:none')
- );
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbGroupGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'extraRowColumns'=> array('firstLetter'),
- 'extraRowExpression' => '"<b style=\"font-size: 3em; color: #333;\">".substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)."</b>"',
- 'extraRowHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'padding:10px'),
- 'columns' => $groupGridColumns
- ));
- $groupGridColumns = $gridColumns;
- $groupGridColumns[] = array(
- 'name' => 'firstLetter',
- 'value' => 'substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)',
- 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'display:none'),
- 'htmlOptions' =>array('style'=>'display:none')
- );
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbGroupGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $groupDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'extraRowColumns'=> array('firstLetter'),
- 'extraRowExpression' => '"<b style=\"font-size: 3em; color: #333;\">".substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)."</b>"',
- 'extraRowHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'padding:10px'),
- 'columns' => $groupGridColumns,
- 'mergeColumns' => array('hours')
- ));
There are times, where you wish to save your filters and we are forced to use different types of storage systems to keep track of the filters (ie: Session variables with serialized objects, Cookies, Db, etc).
YiiBooster proposed a different approach and even though the first version is working with JSON storage (at the server side) we want to provide filters to be saved at the database instead.
It use is a bit tricky, you can use it with any CGridView
instance of Booster or even the CGridView
itself, but the grid has to be extended
and then override renderTableHeader()
to display it.
As previously said, we first need to override an CGridView
, for the example we are going to make use of TbGridView
Using our widget
- // import required classes to my widget
- Yii::import('booster.widgets.TbGridView');
- Yii::import('booster.widgets.TbExtendedFilter');
- class WMyGridView extends TbGridView {
- /**
- * We need this attribute in order to fire the saved filter.
- * In fact, you could remove its requirement from TbExtendedFilter but
- * we thought is better to provide 'less' magic.
- */
- public $redirectRoute;
- public function renderTableHeader()
- {
- if(!$this->hideHeader)
- {
- echo ">thead<\n";
- // Heads up! We are going to display our filter here
- $this->renderExtendedFilter();
- if($this->filterPosition===self::FILTER_POS_HEADER)
- $this->renderFilter();
- echo "<tr>\n";
- foreach($this->columns as $column)
- $column->renderHeaderCell();
- echo "</tr>\n";
- if($this->filterPosition===self::FILTER_POS_BODY)
- $this->renderFilter();
- echo "</thead>\n";
- }
- elseif($this->filter!==null && ($this->filterPosition===self::FILTER_POS_HEADER || $this->filterPosition===self::FILTER_POS_BODY))
- {
- echo "<thead>\n";
- // Heads up! We are going to display our filter here
- $this->renderExtendedFilter();
- $this->renderFilter();
- echo "</thead>\n";
- }
- }
- protected function renderExtendedFilter()
- {
- // at the moment it only works with instances of CActiveRecord
- if(!$this->filter instanceof CActiveRecord)
- {
- return false;
- }
- $extendedFilter = Yii::createComponent(array(
- 'class' => 'TbExtendedFilter',
- 'model' => $this->filter,
- 'grid' => $this,
- 'redirectRoute' => $this->redirectRoute //ie: array('/report/index', 'ajax'=>$this->id)
- ));
- $extendedFilter->init();
- $extendedFilter->run();
- }
- }
Country Code | Region Name |
CA | Alberta |
CA | British Columbia |
CA | Manitoba |
CA | New Brunswick |
Extra Row
- $this->widget('WMyGridView', array(
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'redirectRoute' => CHtml::normalizeUrl(''),
- 'dataProvider' => $region->search(),
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'filter' => $region,
- 'columns' => array(
- array('name' => 'country_code', 'header' => 'Country Code'),
- array('name' => 'name', 'header' => 'Region Name'),
- ))
- );?>
Extra Row + Merge
- $groupGridColumns = $gridColumns;
- $groupGridColumns[] = array(
- 'name' => 'firstLetter',
- 'value' => 'substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)',
- 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'display:none'),
- 'htmlOptions' =>array('style'=>'display:none')
- );
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbGroupGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'extraRowColumns'=> array('firstLetter'),
- 'extraRowExpression' => '"<b style=\"font-size: 3em; color: #333;\">".substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)."</b>"',
- 'extraRowHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'padding:10px'),
- 'columns' => $groupGridColumns
- ));
- $groupGridColumns = $gridColumns;
- $groupGridColumns[] = array(
- 'name' => 'firstLetter',
- 'value' => 'substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)',
- 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'display:none'),
- 'htmlOptions' =>array('style'=>'display:none')
- );
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbGroupGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $groupDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'extraRowColumns'=> array('firstLetter'),
- 'extraRowExpression' => '"<b style=\"font-size: 3em; color: #333;\">".substr($data->firstName, 0, 1)."</b>"',
- 'extraRowHtmlOptions' => array('style'=>'padding:10px'),
- 'columns' => $groupGridColumns,
- 'mergeColumns' => array('hours')
- ));
If you thought the above wasn't enough, we have created a couple of extra components (that we expect to grow) that increase the beauty of this grid.
Note: You can also use this column types with regular TbGridView
Display an image on your grid. In order to display an image related to the data provider of the grid, you set
its imagePathExpression
. The expression string will have the following variables passed to it:
$row (the row number), $data (the data module of the row) and
$this (the column object).
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array_merge(array(array('class'=>'booster.widgets.TbImageColumn')),$gridColumns),
- ));
Display relational data or extra info from an ajax call into a dynamically created sub-row. This column
is thought in order to display sub-grids or a more extended information about a model. The
has a
similar behavior but the amount of information that we can display is a less that with
Important: Do not use this type of column to display a link. It is recommended to work with css classes instead to change the style of its contents.
Important: Be sure to include the required js files if your ajax returns a partial view that requires specific js files.
- // on your view
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array_merge(array(
- array(
- 'class'=>'booster.widgets.TbRelationalColumn',
- 'name' => 'firstLetter',
- 'url' => $this->createUrl('site/relational'),
- 'value'=> '"test-subgrid"',
- 'afterAjaxUpdate' => 'js:function(tr,rowid,data){
- bootbox.alert("I have afterAjax events too!
This will only happen once for row with id: "+rowid);- }'
- )
- ),$gridColumns),
- ));
- // on your controller
- // example code for action rendering the relational data
- public function actionRelational()
- {
- // partially rendering "_relational" view
- $this->renderPartial('_relational', array(
- 'id' => Yii::app()->getRequest()->getParam('id'),
- 'gridDataProvider' => $this->getGridDataProvider(),
- 'gridColumns' => $this->getGridColumns()
- ));
- }
- // example code for the view "_relational" that returns the HTML content
- echo CHtml::tag('h3',array(),'RELATIONAL DATA EXAMPLE ROW : "'.$id.'"');
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array_merge(array(array('class'=>'booster.widgets.TbImageColumn')),$gridColumns),
- ));
Sometimes we just need to sum up and there is no need to display it on a summary.
- $this->widget('booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView', array(
- 'filter'=>$person,
- 'type'=>'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' =>array(
- array('name'=>'id', 'header'=>'#', 'htmlOptions'=>array('style'=>'width: 60px')),
- array('name'=>'firstName', 'header'=>'First name'),
- array('name'=>'lastName', 'header'=>'Last name'),
- array('name'=>'language', 'header'=>'Language', 'footer'=>'Total Hours'),
- array(
- 'name'=>'hours',
- 'header'=>'Hours worked',
- 'class'=>'booster.widgets.TbTotalSumColumn'
- ),
- array(
- 'htmlOptions' => array('nowrap'=>'nowrap'),
- 'class'=>'booster.widgets.TbButtonColumn',
- 'viewButtonUrl'=>null,
- 'updateButtonUrl'=>null,
- 'deleteButtonUrl'=>null,
- )
- ),
- ));
Allows to modify the value of column on the fly. This type of column is good when you wish to modify the value of a displayed model that has two states: yes-no, true-false, 1-0, yin-yan, etc...
The widget works in conjunction with an action that will receive the id
and the attribute
parameters. YiiBooster
comes with an action ready to use for that purpose: TbToggleAction
See the next example on how to use:
Country Code | Region Name | Toggle |
CA | Alberta | |
CA | British Columbia | |
CA | Manitoba | |
CA | New Brunswick |
- $this->widget(
- 'booster.widgets.TbGridView',
- array(
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => new CActiveDataProvider('Region', array('criteria' => array('condition' => 'id<5'))),
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array(
- array('name' => 'country_code', 'header' => 'Country Code'),
- array('name' => 'name', 'header' => 'Region Name'),
- array(
- 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbToggleColumn',
- 'toggleAction' => 'example/toggle',
- 'name' => 'status',
- 'header' => 'Toggle'
- ),
- )
- )
- );
At the toggleAction
endpoint you should have something like this:
- public function actions()
- {
- return array(
- 'toggle' => array(
- 'class'=>'booster.actions.TbToggleAction',
- 'modelName' => 'Region',
- )
- );
- }
Here you see that we install TbToggleAction
from YiiBooster inside our controller actions.
Display whatever content you wish with this cool plugin. It makes use of a bootstrap tooltip
plugin that we have developed, so you can configure your picker with the regular
bootstrap tooltip options plus an extra one: width
- $this->widget(
- 'booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView',
- array(
- 'filter' => $person,
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => $gridDataProvider,
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array(
- array(
- 'name' => 'id',
- 'header' => '#',
- 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 60px')
- ),
- array('name' => 'firstName', 'header' => 'First name'),
- array('name' => 'lastName', 'header' => 'Last name'),
- array('name' => 'language', 'header' => 'Language'),
- array(
- 'name' => 'hours',
- 'header' => 'Hours worked',
- 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbPopoverColumn',
- 'options' => array(
- 'title' => 'Where did I spend my hours',
- 'content' => 'js:function(){ return "Why do you want to know?"; }',
- )
- ),
- array(
- 'htmlOptions' => array('nowrap' => 'nowrap'),
- 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbButtonColumn',
- 'viewButtonUrl' => null,
- 'updateButtonUrl' => null,
- 'deleteButtonUrl' => null,
- )
- )
- )
- );
You can provide of inline editing capabilities with this column to your grid. The following example show how it works. Please, click on any of the region names to edit.
# | Country Code | Region Name | |
2332 | ML | Koulikoro | |
1152 | GB | Salford | |
1432 | GR | Kerkira | |
3077 | RU | Tyumen' | |
2894 | PL | Mazowieckie | |
547 | BZ | Toledo | |
3505 | TH | Nong Bua Lamphu | |
2427 | MW | Thyolo | |
1055 | GB | Birmingham | |
186 | AR | Misiones |
- $this->widget(
- 'booster.widgets.TbExtendedGridView',
- array(
- 'type' => 'striped bordered',
- 'dataProvider' => new CActiveDataProvider('Region', array(
- 'criteria' => array(
- 'limit' => 10,
- 'order' => 'RAND()'
- )
- )),
- 'template' => "{items}",
- 'columns' => array(
- array(
- 'name' => 'id',
- 'header' => '#',
- 'htmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width: 60px')
- ),
- array('name' => 'country_code', 'header' => 'Country Code'),
- array(
- 'name' => 'name',
- 'header' => 'Region Name',
- 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbEditableColumn',
- 'headerHtmlOptions' => array('style' => 'width:200px'),
- 'editable' => array(
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'url' => '/example/editable'
- )
- ),
- array(
- 'htmlOptions' => array('nowrap' => 'nowrap'),
- 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbButtonColumn',
- 'viewButtonUrl' => null,
- 'updateButtonUrl' => null,
- 'deleteButtonUrl' => null,
- )
- )
- )
- );
For the sake of the example, we have just echo the value to the client, but you get the idea on how it should work on the server
- $r = Yii::app()->getRequest();
- // we can check whether is comming from a specific grid id too
- // avoided for the sake of the example
- if($r->getParam('editable'))
- {
- //echo $r->getParam('attribute');
- echo $r->getParam('value');
- Yii::app()->end();
- }