Basic example of usage
The following grid, displays 50 rows on each page from a table of around 4000 records (not indexed).
Note This widget requires special server config:if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) { header( 'Content-type: application/json' ); $this->renderPartial('_grid', compact('model')); Yii::app()->end(); }
ID | Name | Create Time | Edit |
1 | Alberta | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
2 | British Columbia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
3 | Manitoba | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
4 | New Brunswick | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
5 | Newfoundland | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
6 | Nova Scotia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
7 | Nunavut | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
8 | Ontario | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
9 | Prince Edward Island | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
10 | Quebec | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
11 | Saskatchewan | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
12 | Northwest Territories | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
13 | Yukon Territory | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
14 | Armed Forces Americas | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
15 | Armed Forces Europe, Middle East, & Canada | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
16 | Alaska | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
17 | Alabama | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
18 | Armed Forces Pacific | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
19 | Arkansas | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
20 | American Samoa | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
21 | Arizona | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
22 | California | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
23 | Colorado | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
24 | Connecticut | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
25 | District of Columbia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
26 | Delaware | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
27 | Florida | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
28 | Federated States of Micronesia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
29 | Georgia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
30 | Guam | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
31 | Hawaii | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
32 | Iowa | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
33 | Idaho | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
34 | Illinois | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
35 | Indiana | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
36 | Kansas | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
37 | Kentucky | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
38 | Louisiana | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
39 | Massachusetts | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
40 | Maryland | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
41 | Maine | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
42 | Marshall Islands | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
43 | Michigan | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
44 | Minnesota | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
45 | Missouri | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
46 | Northern Mariana Islands | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
47 | Mississippi | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
48 | Montana | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
49 | North Carolina | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
50 | North Dakota | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM |
$this->widget( 'booster.widgets.TbJsonGridView', array( 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'type' => 'striped bordered condensed', 'summaryText' => false, 'cacheTTL' => 10, // cache will be stored 10 seconds (see cacheTTLType) 'cacheTTLType' => 's', // type can be of seconds, minutes or hours 'columns' => array( 'id', 'name', array( 'name' => 'create_time', 'type' => 'datetime' ), array( 'header' => Yii::t('ses', 'Edit'), 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbJsonButtonColumn', 'template' => '{view} {delete}', 'viewButtonUrl' => null, 'updateButtonUrl' => null, 'deleteButtonUrl' => null, 'buttons' => array( 'delete' => array( 'click' => 'function(){return false;}' ) ) ), ), ) );