Basic example of usage
The following grid, displays 50 rows on each page from a table of around 4000 records (not indexed).
Note This widget requires special server config:if (Yii::app()->getRequest()->getIsAjaxRequest()) { header( 'Content-type: application/json' ); $this->renderPartial('_grid', compact('model')); Yii::app()->end(); }
ID | Name | Create Time | Edit |
451 | Chuquisaca | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
452 | Cochabamba | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
453 | El Beni | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
454 | La Paz | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
455 | Oruro | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
456 | Pando | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
457 | Potosi | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
458 | Santa Cruz | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
459 | Tarija | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
460 | Acre | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
461 | Alagoas | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
462 | Amapa | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
463 | Amazonas | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
464 | Bahia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
465 | Ceara | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
466 | Distrito Federal | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
467 | Espirito Santo | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
468 | Mato Grosso do Sul | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
469 | Maranhao | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
470 | Mato Grosso | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
471 | Minas Gerais | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
472 | Para | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
473 | Paraiba | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
474 | Parana | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
475 | Piaui | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
476 | Rio de Janeiro | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
477 | Rio Grande do Norte | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
478 | Rio Grande do Sul | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
479 | Rondonia | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
480 | Roraima | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
481 | Santa Catarina | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
482 | Sao Paulo | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
483 | Sergipe | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
484 | Goias | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
485 | Pernambuco | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
486 | Tocantins | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
487 | Bimini | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
488 | Cat Island | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
489 | Exuma | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
490 | Inagua | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
491 | Long Island | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
492 | Mayaguana | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
493 | Ragged Island | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
494 | Harbour Island | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
495 | New Providence | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
496 | Acklins and Crooked Islands | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
497 | Freeport | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
498 | Fresh Creek | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
499 | Governor's Harbour | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM | |
500 | Green Turtle Cay | 2012/08/31 08:29:52 PM |
$this->widget( 'booster.widgets.TbJsonGridView', array( 'dataProvider' => $model->search(), 'filter' => $model, 'type' => 'striped bordered condensed', 'summaryText' => false, 'cacheTTL' => 10, // cache will be stored 10 seconds (see cacheTTLType) 'cacheTTLType' => 's', // type can be of seconds, minutes or hours 'columns' => array( 'id', 'name', array( 'name' => 'create_time', 'type' => 'datetime' ), array( 'header' => Yii::t('ses', 'Edit'), 'class' => 'booster.widgets.TbJsonButtonColumn', 'template' => '{view} {delete}', 'viewButtonUrl' => null, 'updateButtonUrl' => null, 'deleteButtonUrl' => null, 'buttons' => array( 'delete' => array( 'click' => 'function(){return false;}' ) ) ), ), ) );